Books that I recommend to open your eyes, mind, and heart.
Books serve to open our eyes, expand our knowledge and awaken different beliefs (horizons)
Results fascinating to read about the experience and knowledge of others, and even more fascinating, when the connection with the author of the book is of such intensity, that we can feel how those words do not remain in the air, because they become part of our truth.
While these books weren't the only ones to I have positively impacted my life, if they remain in my study and I consult them every time I want to remember valuable teachings or relive outstanding episodes of my existence. I verify with gratitude that when you read you don't live just one life, you live many and so, we are the fruit of what we have lived and of what read.
Here there are no better or worse works, each book catches us and transports us to others realities, so true, like your own. They are stories, paths, representations, or points of view that, as a woman, mother, coach or businesswoman, have given me knowledge and useful tools to beat me life and pleasant stimuli for my inner growth.
That's why I'm born to share some titles and authors of books whose content reveals my concerns, curiosities and creative evolution. Make sure that you find different options, according to your taste and need:
1. Discovering The Shape Of Your Soul: A 33-day journey to purpose, passion, and joy.
AUTHOR: Panache Desai.
It is a book that allows us to change the energy around us; finding the harmony that comes from self-acceptance and an invaluable help in the process of discovering the purpose of our life.
Its author, Panache Desai, invites us to travel a path of meditations for 33 days, sharing short passages to read in the morning, at noon and at night. They are designed to dismantle the emotional baggage that holds us back and so on. open ourselves up to find new paths in our inner life.
2. Spiritual Chef: Essential Foods For The Soul
A cookbook for lovers of raw food. A healthy and fresh culinary option, with surprising and exquisite flavors. Live food, as the author calls it. It is a culinary revolution that consists of cooking and eating to nourish the body, mind and soul; in choosing healthy, natural, plant-based foods to make the most of their regenerative power. I love it.
3. Autobiography Of A Yogi
The Autobiography of a Yogi is both a beautifully written account of an exceptional life and a profound introduction to the ancient science of yoga and its traditional meditation tradition. Deeply inspiring, it is simultaneously highly entertaining, warmly humorous, and full of extraordinary characters.
4. Dying To Be Me
AUTHOR: Anita Moorjani
A beautiful account of what awaits us after death and the final awakening. An immense love story, unconditional; with a revolutionary vision of what we really are. why? we are here